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Who Wants a World War Three? Why Do Innocent People Die in Israel and Palestine?
The recent developments in the Middle East place Ukraine in the backseat and shake the energy market.

PhD Nicolae RADU

09/10/2023 Region: Middle East Topic: Conflicts

With the whole world shaken by the war in Ukraine and the endless attacks to gain control of natural resources, peace becomes a fairy-tale!

Two years after the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians broke out on May 11, 2021, and 50 years after the Yom Kippur War broke out on October 6, 1973, when Syria and Egypt struck Israel from the south and the north, new attacks disturb the peace in the holy land!

Hamas’ offensive in Israel’ south and centre, called the “Al-Aqsa Flood”, the attacks of the Lebanese Hezbollah in Israel’s north, but also Israel’s response – “Steel Swords”, have already caused, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health, the death of 300 Israelis and 320 Palestinians in a single day, with wounded reaching to over 3000! Women, old people and even children were killed as a result of the rocket strikes!

What is the Reason for these Endless Attacks of the Israelis and the Palestinians?

How true is it that the vast water, oil and natural gas resources represent the stakes of the war between terrorists and would-be counter-terrorists?

Should the conflict in Israel be an opportunity to recapitalize the trust in the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? I want to believe it should not! Should the exchange of missiles between Palestine and Israel be an opportunity to reconfigure the power in the Middle East? I want to believe it should not!

Should the Hamas attacks be another reason for Israel to take control over the Gaza Strip where Palestinians live? I want to believe it should not! And yet, what does the Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, mean when he declared for “Open sources” that “the Israeli army is preparing for an invasion and that we will change the face of realities in Gaza”?

Surprisingly or not, Israeli intelligence services gave the impression that they were surprised by Hamas’ swift reaction. It is very hard to believe, however, that MOSSAD, the legendary spy service that knows the world, but does not know the operational situation on the ground, especially since the attacks between Israelis and Palestinians have also taken place in the past years!

What Did We Learn from the Terrorist Attacks of September 9/11, 2001?

Who wants to remember the conflict that broke out on May 11, 2021, between Israel and Palestine, when the Palestinian Ambassador to Romania, Fuad Karim Saliba Kokaly, asked for Romania's help? According to the Defence and Security Monitor, His Excellency specified that even if “our country had always been involved in the conflicts in the Middle East, it had a moderate and neutral position”.

Throughout history, Romania brought peace to the Middle East, but history no longer has the impact of the present!

The State of Israel Is not a Forsaken Country!

The Israeli Armed Forces – IDF are on permanent alert, with the task of defending the country and its own citizens! Under these circumstances, how was it possible for Hamas to break the Israeli chain of defence and surprise Israel with thousands of rockets?

When referring to more than 3500 rockets, but also to commandos used by Hamas, how was it possible for them to have been hidden and gotten ready without the Israeli intelligence services knowing it?

Are the Attacks a Coincidence?

War is expensive! (Interviwe/ Prof. PhD. Nicolae Radu: „În faţa ameninţării teroriste, cooperarea internațională este mai necesară decât oricând” [When Faced with Terrorist Threats, International Cooperation Is More Necessary than Ever], https://europunkt.ro/2017/10/15/interviu-prof-univ-dr-nicolae-radu-in-fata-amenintarii-teroriste-cooperarea-internationala-este-mai-necesara-decat-oricand)

Who Finances Hamas?

According to an Israeli minister “what is happening appears to be an event planned and directed by Iran”.

If we are to include in the “equation” of the intelligence analysis the Shiite organization Hezbollah in Lebanon, which declared that it struck Israel in the north, the attacks on Israel compel reflection, their preparation, but also the Israeli response involving more or less familiar stakes!

Hamas wants to create an independent Palestinian state by taking control of the old Palestinian territories, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, but also by “implementing the Islamic law (Sharia) in the Palestinian territories, as well as unifying the Gaza Strip and the West Bank”.

In the context of these new international challenges, providing useful information over and over again is more than necessary, all the more so, since “Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Center” has provided and provides multiple information regarding the interests over conflict zones, shown by countries such as Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and, last but not least, Kuwait, which hold considerable oil resources!

The Islamic State, the Al-Qaida-affiliated Al-Nusrah Front in Syria, the Al-Shabab in Somalia, Boko Haram, the Islamist group in northern Nigeria, more recently known as the “Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP)” attract attention through the cruelty of the beheadings they conduct and the virulence of their attacks, but because they posess unimaginable financial resources!

Where Does the Money Come from?

Is the exploitation of oil reserves the only source of income for the Islamic State? The Russian President, Vladimir Putin issued a statement that drew a considerable amount of attention saying that “the Islamic State’s financial support comes from 40 states, including several G20 states”, an aspect that compels us to consider for the next 20 years at least!

Out of respect for all those who have fallen victim to terror, and as a God-fearing man, I cannot help but wonder: who needs terrorism?

History Must Not Be Forgotten!

Who organized Al-Qaeda? Who founded the Islamic State?

Has Osama Bin Laden really disappeared from the power games?

Why has the Islamic State never hit countries like: Israel, Palestine or Saudi Arabia?

What are the real stakes of the stoning and the rocket attacks between Israel and Palestine?

Who needs bombs?

Operative ghosts? Espionage? Information trolls? Undercover agents in Tel Aviv and Ramallah?

And yet who can end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? (Interview/ Prof. PhD. Nicolae Radu, O excelentă analiză a conflictului dintre Israel și Palestina, [An Excellent Analysis of the Conflict between Israel and Palestine] moderators: Călin Cătălin Radu Ghidău, https://youtu.be/QdWk7AYv2yw?si=JwzA84FDzLrgK8OG)


Saudi Arabia and Egypt are looking for solutions to negotiate peace! Israel is waiting for military assistance from the USA!

Should Saudi Arabia’s statement be a wake-up call about the imminence of another world war spawned by the Israeli-Palestinian attacks?

How true is Saudi Arabia’s assessment (adevarul.ro) that by “carrying on with the occupation, depriving the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights and systematic and repeated challenges against their holy places” tensions can reach maximum levels?

The legitimacy of missile exchanges is not a priority! We need peace, tolerance and unity!

Beyond any speculation, without thinking of “global conspiracies”, the conflict between Israel and Palestine requires urgent and concrete measures for peace!

Let’s not forget that war kills!

While the world watches and watches and watches again, innocent people die in missile attacks!