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Vladimir SOCOR
The parliament of Bulgaria has adopted a declaration criticizing Ukraine’s policy toward the Bulgarian minority in Odesa province. This move might seem to indicate that Bulgaria is about to emulate Hungary or Romania, each of which, in its own way (Hungary more persistently and harshly), has in recent years criticized Ukraine’s policies toward the Hungarian and Romanian minorities, respectively.
29/05/2020 Free Readings Region: Black Sea Topic: Various Topics
Valentin LAZEA
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges, which call for a new reflection on the healthy development of various economic sectors. After the pandemic, the prospects for an economic and social crisis compel the countries affected by it to take actions with a powerful impact on society.
07/05/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
The US presidential elections are of high interest all over the world, due to their economic, political and social implications. The prospect of Donald Trump’s re-election in a world changed by the Coronavirus pandemic raises several questions.
In the interview he gave to Vladimir Adrian Costea for the Geostrategic Pulse Magazine, professor Dan Pavel analysed the perspectives and challenges represented by the confrontation between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
27/04/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
Constantin IACOBIŢĂ
From the Editor
21/04/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
The year 2020 was expected to be fraught with political turmoil. In preparation for the November general elections, America was warming up for a tense contest whose outcome was deemed decisive for the decade-long battle waged between populism and liberalism.
08/04/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
Amb. Prof. Dumitru CHICAN
Since the beginning of this year, our global village has been living on a daily basis under the pressure of a terrible disease known as the “Coronavirus”, or “COVID-19”. Geographically originating from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the phenomenon has rapidly reached the dimension of a global pandemic, which the World Health Organisation declared on the 11th of March 2020.
06/04/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
Brigadier General (ret) MEng Ciprian-Mircea RĂDULESCU
The occurrence and rapid spread of COVID-19 has shaken the entire world. Initially seen as a local phenomenon in Wuhan or, in the worst-case scenario only in China, it turned in less than two months in a global problem.
05/04/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
Vladimir-Adrian COSTEA
In this article, we set out to look at prisons as potential sources for the expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are taking into account the special status of prisons and the informal rules, which set the ground for life behind bars. We are referring to the dynamics of entries and exits from the penitentiary, in order to identify possible preventive and management measures, should a COVID-19 outbreak occurs.
18/03/2020 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
Vladimir-Adrian COSTEA
In this article we aim to explain the main concepts regarding the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union related to the operation of the European arrest warrant (EAW). We referred to the exceptions that place in the background the principles of mutual trust and recognition, which diminish the level of judicial cooperation between nations, in criminal matters. We are mainly interested in identifying the perspectives that redefine the area of freedom, security and justice in the light of Brexit, simultaneously with the redefinition of the internal and external borders of the EU.
16/01/2020 Free Readings Region: European Union Topic: Various Topics
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