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The Chinese company AliBaba Is suspected to conduct espionage activities in Belgium.
09/10/2023 Free Readings Region: European Union Topic: Various Topics
The lack of a stable leadership and the current uncertain domestic situation lead Lebanon towards collapse.
09/03/2023 Free Readings Region: Middle East Topic: Various Topics
01/02/2023 Free Readings Region: European Union Topic: Various Topics
The Geostrategic Pulse wishes you a Happy New Year!
29/12/2022 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
The UAE Prime Minister Mohammed bin Zayed went to Ankara where he met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in atmosphere described by both sides as positive and fraternal.
Although the move was seen as a sudden turn for Abu Dhabi, observers of the changes in the Middle East can read the details of the causes that led to it.
13/12/2021 Free Readings Region: Middle East Topic: Various Topics
Tehran is currently on the cusp of the final stage of converting enriched uranium from an energy project to a nuclear bomb project. It is a fact that there have been many warnings over the past 10 years, mainly from Tel Aviv, and recent reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency confirm these Israeli fears. We can say that we are facing a hot or nuclear winter.
15/09/2021 Free Readings Region: Middle East Topic: Various Topics
The impact the AKP Party had over Turkey when it took over power is seen in this country's foreign policy. The decisions taken by the political party were significant, when it came to foreign relations, especially those involving major international players, such as the USA, Russia, the UN, NATO and the EU.
11/08/2021 Free Readings Region: Black Sea Topic: Various Topics
Professor Selçuk COLAKOĞLU
The multitude and diversity of the new military conflicts that have captured the international scene in recent years have produced strong reverberations over the way Turkey foreign policy has been built. In an unstable geopolitical context, with increasingly strong and visible tensions in the international arena, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s election as President of the Republic of Turkey was a turning point, offering new meanings to the security strategy.
30/05/2021 Free Readings Region: Black Sea Topic: Various Topics
Dr. Mohammed Issam LAAROUSSI
Since the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), new measures and policies has been deployed in the North Africa and Mediterranean region in hasty efforts to save lives and have the pandemic under control, and at the same time save economies and prepare for recovery. This global public health emergency is requiring a global response with far reaching consequences for economic, social and political lives.
The American and European countries as well have faced the most unprecedented health crisis in modern time; therefore, they were also scrambling for ways to limit the impact of such an unseen and widespread pandemic in modern days. Since the beginning of the outbreak, 87 states – both authoritarian and established democracies – have declared emergencies enforcing laws to curb the spread of the virus, which sometimes implies derogations from international human rights conventions.
In this paper, we aim to focus on Morocco`s and Turkish experiences in dealing with the pandemic.
10/05/2021 Free Readings Region: Mediterranean Sea Topic: Various Topics
Prof. Chris ALDEN
The development and modernization of the countries in Africa has always been a priority for BRICS countries and their African counterparts. Given the significant degree of economic dependency and high levels of poverty at independence, the development of countries in Africa has been largely been intertwined with the relationship with the former colonial powers. The rise of leading emerging economies like China and India have had made a strong impression on Africans, both for their direct influence on African economies but also for the ideas and models of development.
28/04/2021 Free Readings Region: Global Topic: Various Topics
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